Scrapbooks, 1849-1915.


Scrapbooks, 1849-1915.

Scrapbooks of Curtis Guild Jr. mostly contain newspaper clippings, programs, and pamphlets concerning his professional and public career as a partner and editor of the family-owned Commercial Bulletin, as Lieutenant Colonel and Inspector-General during the Spanish-American War, as Republican Party leader, as Lieutenant Governor and Governor of Massachusetts, as special Ambassador to Mexico's Centennial celebration, and as Ambassador to Russia from 1911-13. Scrapbooks also include some correspondence to and about family members, his father Curtis Guild, his mother Sarah Cobb Guild, his brother Courtenay, and his sister Sarah Louise. Correspondence relates to his work in army camps in the South, his duties under the command of Fitzhugh Lee in Cuba during the Spanish-American War, and his foreign service in Mexico and Russia. (Cont) Scrapbooks also include travel descriptions of the U.S. and Europe, descriptions of happenings in Boston, and a run of editorials by Courtenay Guild; poetry and an account book of Curtis Guild Sr., with a memorial scrapbook to commemorate his life.

8 v.

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Republican Party (Mass.) (corporateBody)

Guild, Curtis, 1860-1915 (person)